Mahi Rahimi
mahi at kaist dot ac dot kr

CV / Scholar / GitHub / Blog / Twitter / Instagram

I am a fifth-year PhD candidate at KAIST advised by Jaekyun Moon. I work on Machine Learning and Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning as part of MoonLab.

Before this, I did my undergrad at the Tehran Polytechnic , where I worked with MohammadAzam Khosravi and MohammadMehdi Ebadzadeh on RoboCup SSL platform and multi-agent learning. I spent most of 2019 and 2020 working at the BRTel Co. on Bussiness Intelligence and Data Mining Solutions for MCI Telecommuncation.


  • I Joind MoonLab @ KAIST.
  • I Complete my B.Sc in Software Eng.
  • I am honored to join AI WorldCup as Advisory Board.
  • I am honored to join FIRA WorldCup as Simulation League Co-Chair.
  • I am honored to get EurAI Travel Grant for ACAI Summer School.
  • We got into top 14 finalist of Tianchi Bigdata competition.
  • We won 3rd Place @ FIRACup Simulation - Taichung, Taiwan.
  • Our Paper got accepted on Journal of Open Source Software.
  • We won 4th Place @ RoboCup SSL, Nagoya - Japan.
  • I co-organized the Robotic Summer School @ AUT.
  • I Joind AUT as Talented Student.

Research Instrests

Multi-Agent Reinforcment Learning
Meta Learning and Reasoning
Distributed Learning
Game Theory and Social Computing



Program Committees


This guy makes a nice webpage.